Bach Builders process  
Step 1 Design and remodel process
Upon our 1st initial meeting, we will review general guidlines for your specific ag
nda. All clients are well informed from the beginning to further understand the developmental stages for an Estimate. Dave and I work directly with you through out the entire process. This is a key element in our construction process.
Some exterior renovations or addition work might require a certified tree arborist or in some cases a Landscape Architect.
Please call (TLC "arborist") prior to preliminary exterior design work if you have questions about existing trees.
Architectural & Engineer Drawings
We would be happy to recommend Architects & Engineers we work with.
Step 2 Sketches/conceptual design
Our involvement as contractors is consistent throughout the process we work closely with the architect to provide you with several designs. Once you have reviewed our submitted designs (design sketches) we then shall make changes and/or revisions to begin final detailed drawings.
Step 3 Final set of working detailed drawings
The final set of drawings should have a clear understanding as to building and room layouts as well as interior and exterior elevations. Also, if you would like during this process we can set appointments with clients to review their building finishes. Several of our subcontractors have available showrooms for you to review.
Step 4 How we begin our process for an estimate
Upon receiving drawings we then schedule with the client and/or architect available times to have our subcontractor’s field review their work per plans. This is an important phase in which subcontractors review existing conditions. Electrical, heating, and plumbing specs are upgrades in which should be considered when budgeting for a remodel. We also review the property for ease of access for subcontractors daily work procedures. It is also important that we review the drawings with the client and architect to insure all reasonable efforts have been taken to stay within a projected expense. If the client and or architect wish, we are more than happy to have each potential subcontractor review their estimates and offer cost saving solutions pending on their findings per review. After this completed preliminary review we then provide a detailed estimate for your review. Our company is known for providing you with the most detailed and informative final estimates including owner options and builders comments for sub categories.
Step 5 Contractor selection
Congratulations! for choosing Bach Builders-Dave and I are here from day one and appreciate you for selecting our company. Our accountability and quality is something that separates our company from the rest.
An initial deposit is required to draw up contract documents including “Scope of Work” This amount varies depending on the projected budget. We incorporate our fee to draw up all contract documents and re issue the re-maining unused balance towards your overall project finalized estimate
Step 6 Scope of Work
Blueprints are the main exhibit and guide to reference though out the project. Exhibit a Scope of work supports these blueprint documents with additional and informative research on our part.
In our scope of work we work with the architect in our review to point out matters of concern and/or specific blueprint details that need further attention or explanation.
Exhibit A defines and characterizes each phase of the work within division subcategories.
Your specifications per plans are reviewed for finalization. This is where our company stands out from all others. Our attention to detail is in the finer points of our review. It is our commitment to outline and define generalities and or plan discrepancies.
This scope of work is drafted within a 1-3 week period time line pending on the design and complexity of your project
Step 7 Permit application
Once the plans have been approved and finalized our next step is to submitt for a building permit. Once the permit is approved by the City or County Building department the construction process begins
Why we stand out from other companies
Responsibility & maintaining the construction budget This has always set us apart from other companies.
We always provide 100% satisfaction for all of our clients.